Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS), p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760, is a monthly peer-reviewed international journal in English. The IJEECS is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU). The purpose of this journal is to disseminate high-quality articles that are devoted to discussing any and all elements of the most recent and noteworthy advancements in the fields of electrical electronics engineering and computer science. It covers applications such as telecommunications and information technology, applied computing and computer science, instrumentation and control engineering, electrical engineering (power), and electronics engineering.
This journal is indexed by Scopus (CiteScore 2023: 2.9, SNIP 2023: 0.579, SJR 2023: 0.247), Scimagojr, Google Scholar Metrics, ProQuest, EBSCO, BASE, Scinapse, and SHERPA/RoMEO. Before submission, please make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal paper template. It is available as a word and LaTeX version
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The criteria for acceptance of manuscripts are the quality of work. This will be concretely reflected in the following aspects: novelty & practical impact; technical soundness; appropriateness and adequacy of: literature review; background discussion & analysis of issues; and presentation (overall organization, English & readability). For a contribution to be acceptable for publication, these points should be at least at the middle level.
Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proofread and polished to avoid having to re-work the manuscript later in the review process. Authors should present their work honestly without fabrication, falsification,plagiarism, or inappropriate data manipulation. Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that they are original or extended versions of previously published papers in conferences and/or journals and that, if the work received official sponsorship, it has been duly released for open publication.
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- Open access: All research articles published in this journal are open access and immediately accessible online to the entire global research community. Our open access policy ensures high visibility and maximum exposure for your work-anyone with online access can read your article.
- High citation: This journal has high citations, so you are easily increasing your H-index. Please <click here> to find citation counts for this journal.
- Rapid publication: Online submission, electronic peer review, and production make the process of publishing your article simple and efficient.
- Quality, reputation and high standard of peer review: This journal has a high standard of peer review. Each editor and reviewer conducts the evaluation of manuscripts objectively and fairly.
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2024 EECSI International Conference |
11th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI 2024) will be held virtually from Yogyakarta, Indonesia on September 26-27, 2024. This year’s conference theme is “The Role of Integrating Intelligent System Engineering with Data Science in Electrical, Electronics, Computer, and Informatics Technologies for Humanity“. The conference is hosted by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and is jointly organized with Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Sriwijaya, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) and IAES Indonesia Section. The event is intended to provide technical forum and research discussion related to advanced engineering on electrical & electronics, computer science and informatics. The conference is aimed to bring researchers, academicians, scientists, students, engineers and practitioners together to participate and present their latest research finding, developments and applications related to the various aspects of electrical, electronics, power electronics, instrumentation, control, robotics, computer & telecommunication engineering, signal, image & video processing, soft computing, computer science and informatics. EECSI 2024 Call for Paper (CFP) Submit now: |
Posted: 2024-02-16 | |
Is a journal indexed in Scopus? A reminder to check before you publish |
See at: or Here’s how to verify if a title is indexed in Scopus:
Titles on ScopusContent types included on Scopus are either serial publications that have an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), such as journals, book series and conference series, or non-serial publications that have an ISBN (International Standard Book Number), such as monographs or one-off conference materials. To check if a title is on Scopus, visit the freely available Source Title page(opens in new tab/window)or consult the title lists below.
Posted: 2024-01-23 | More... |
Does not accept any papers suggestion from conference organizers |
Dear Sir/Madam, Due to huge regular papers submission, we apologize that our journal does not accept any papers suggestion from other conference organizers. Your attention and cooperation is very highly appreciated. Best Regards, IJEECS Editorial Office |
Posted: 2020-06-01 | More... |
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Vol 38, No 1: April 2025
Table of Contents
Adamu Sa'idu, Nasiru B. Kadandani, Bala Boyi Bukata
Widi Aribowo, Toufik Mzili, Aliyu Sabo
Syamsir Abduh, Miftahul Fikri, Tajuddin Nur
Shwetha G, Guruswamy K P
Dattatray Surykant Sawant, Yerramreddy Srinivasa Rao, Rajendra Ramchandra Sawant
Azziddin Mohamad Razali, Nor Azizah Mohd Yusoff, Syahar Azalia Ab Shukor, Muhammad Hafeez Mohamed Hariri, Auzani Jidin, Tole Sutikno
Anupriya Anupriya, Vikas Nandal
Jenner Lavalle-Sandoval, Paul Córdova-Cardenas, Sheyla Rivera-Quispe, Laberiano Andrade-Arenas
Norhalida Othman, Zakiah Mohd Yusoff, Mohamad Fadzli Khamis @ Subari, Nur Amalina Muhamad, Noor Hafizah Khairul Anuar
Heru Suwoyo, Yingzhong Tian, Andi Adriansyah, Julpri Andika
Pharan Chawaphan, Dechrit Maneetham, Padma Nyoman Crisnapati
Freska Rolansa, Jazi Eko Istiyanto, Afiahayati Afiahayati, Aufaclav Zatu Kusuma Frisky
Soumyadip Jana, Partha Sarathi Pal
Shridhar H, Sunil S. Harakannanavar, Vidyashree Kanabur, Jayalaxmi H
Mohammed Arrazaki, Othman El Ouahabi, Mohamed Zohry, Adel Babbah
Partha Mishra, Shubhasish Sarkar, Sandip Saha Chowdhury, Santanu Das
Siraj Younes, Kaoutar Saidi Alaoui, Jaouad Foshi
Belkheir Safaa, Sabri Ghoutia Naima
Rachid Fateh, Hassan Ougraz, Youness Belaadel, Mathieu Pouliquen, Miloud Frikel, Said Safi
Najwa Mohd Faudzi, Ahmad Rashidy Razali, Asrulnizam Abd Manaf, Nurul Huda Abd Rahman, Ahmad Azlan Ab Aziz, Syed Muhammad Hafiz, Suraya Sulaiman, Nora’zah Abdul Rashid, Amirudin Ibrahim, Aiza Mahyuni Mozi
Dalila Chikhaoui, Mohammed Beladgham, Mohamed Benaissa, Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed
Anoop Sreeraj, Vijayalakshmi P, Velayutham Rajendran
Habib Idmouida, Khalid Minaoui Minaoui
Winston G. Domingo, Manuel De Guzman, Charmaine Ruth G. Abella, Dennie T. Ruma, Rishelle B. Nucaza, Eduard P. Alip, Selino S. Malunao
Winston G. Domingo, Virdi C. Gonzales, Jennifer A. Gamay
Shruthi Kikkeri Subramanya, Naveen Bettahalli, Naveen Kalenahalli Bhoganna
Sofiane Abden, Mostefa Bendjima, Soumia Benkrama
Sheetal Janthakal, Girisha Hosalli
Ouahbi Younesse, Ziti Soumia, Lagmiri Najoua Souad
Machine learning-based classification of corn seed viability using electrical impedance spectroscopy
Perrie Lance Perocho, Ronnie Concepcion II
Bhuvaneswari Kumar, Varalakshmi Murugesan
Juan Deyby Carlos-Chullo, Marielena Vilca-Quispe, Whinders Joel Fernandez-Granda, Eveling Castro-Gutierrez
P. M. Winarno, Wirawan Istiono, Rajendra Abhinaya
Rina Putri Noer Fadilah, Rasmi Rikmasari, Saiful Akbar, Arlette Suzy Setiawan
Sahira Vilakkumadathil, Velumani Thiyagarajan
Nirwana Hendrastuty, Setiawansyah Setiawansyah, M. Ghufroni An’ars, Fitrah Amalia Rahmadianti, Very Hendra Saputra, Miftahur Rahman
Afaf Tareef, Khawla Al-Tarawneh, Omar Alhuniti
Multimodal perception for enhancing human computer interaction through real-world affect recognition
Karishma Raut, Sujata Kulkarni, Ashwini Sawant
Dharmendra Mangal, Hemant Makwana
Nghien Nguyen Ba, Nhung Nguyen Thi, Dung Vuong Quoc, Cuong Nguyen Cong
Gururaj N. Kulkarni, Kelapati Kelapati
Mohamad Syfiq Soekarno, Roslina Mohamad, Norashikin M. Thamrin, Wan Norsyafizan W. Muhamad
Seenia Joseph, S. Hemalatha
Aizhan Tazhikhanovna Kalbayeva, Zhanat Rysbayevna Umarova, Sevara Dzhumagaliyevna Kurakbayeva, Leyla Mukhamedjanovna Musabekova, Madamin A. Amandikov, Kuttybek E. Arystanbayev
Houda Essalmi, Anass El Affar
Selly Anastassia Amellia Kharis, Arman Haqqi Anna Zili, Maulana Malik, Wahyu Nuryaningrum, Agustiani Putri
Harun Mukhtar, Muhammad Akmal Remli, Mohd Saberi Mohamad, Khairul Nizar Syazwan Wan Salihin Wong, Farhan Ridhollah, Deprizon Deprizon, Soni Soni, Muhammad Lisman, Hasanatul Fu'adah Amran, Sunanto Sunanto, Edi Ismanto
Vijaya Shetty Sadanand, Palamaneni Ramesh Naidu, Dileep Reddy Bolla, Jyoti Neeli, Ramya Prakash
Qian Wang, Shafaf Ibrahim, Xing Wan, Zainura Idrus
Manjunatha Shivanandappa, Naveen Kumar Chowdaiah, Swetha Mysore Devaraje Gowda, Rashmi Shivaswamy, Vadivel Ramasamy, Subramani Suryakumar Prabhu Vijay
Nesrine Atitallah, Ahmed Abdel-Wahab, Anas A. Hadi, Hussein Abdel-Jaber, Ali Wagdy Mohamed, Mohamed Elsersy, Yusuf Mansour
Rendra Gustriansyah, Shinta Puspasari, Ahmad Sanmorino, Nazori Suhandi, Dewi Sartika
Wang Zhuo, Azlin Ahmad
Neelam Yadav, Supriya P. Panda
Vijaykumar Bidve, Aruna Pavate, Rahul Raut, Shailesh Kediya, Pakiriswamy Sarasu, Koteswara Rao Anne, Aryani Gangadhara, Ashfaq Shaikh
Shivashankar Shivashankar, Manjunath Rajgopal, Krishna Prasad Karani, Nandeeswar Sampigehalli Basavaraju, Erappa Giddappa, Shivakumar Swamy
Fatima Zohra Berrichi, Abderrahim Belmadani
Thangavelu Ananadaraj Rajasekaran, Pichamuthu Vijayalakshmi, Velayutham Rajendran
Kavitha Gangaraju, Yogisha H K
Januar Al Amien, Hadhrami Ab Ghani, Nurul Izrin Md Saleh, Soni Soni
Yashomati R. Dhumal, Arundhati A. Shinde, Roshnadevi Jaising Sapkal, Satish Bhairannawar
Oualid Zaazaa, Hanan El Bakkali
Predicting peak demand for electricity consumption using time series data and machine learning model
Suriya S., Agusthiyar R.
Yessy Asri, Dwina Kuswardani, Widya Nita Suliyanti, Yosef Owen Manullang, Atikah Rifdah Ansyari
Mangalapalli Vamsikrishna, Manu Gupta, Jayashri Bagade, Ratnmala Bhimanpallewar, Priya Shelke, Jagadeesh Bodapati, Govindu Komali, Praveen Mande