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N, Karthik, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (India)
N, Krishnaveni, Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University,Coimbatore, TamilNadu
N, Mekala, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology Tiruchengode, Namakkal, Tamilnadu (India)
N, Mekala, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Namakkal, Tamilnadu (India)
N, Parvin, Mrs.N.Parvin,,m.Phil.,Asst.,professor, Adhiyaman arts and science college for women, Srinivasa nagar,uthangarai.Pa (India)
N, Prasanna Moorthi, AMET University (India)
N, Santipriya, MLR Institute of Technology (India)
N, Shashank B, Department of CSE, RVCE (India)
N, Sirisha, K L University (India)
N, Sivashanmugam, PG & Research Department of Computer Science, Presidency College, Madras University (India)
N, Subhashini, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai (India)
N Junita, M., Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) (Malaysia)
N K, Cauvery, R V College of Engineering (India)
N,, Deepika, Dr. M. G. R Educational and Research Institute University (India)
N., Anting,, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Malaysia)
N., Archana J., Bharathiar University (India)
N., Chaithanya B., Gitam School of Technology (India)
N., Latha B., JSS Academy of Technical Education (India)
N., Purnachand, VIT-AP University (India)
N., Rajesh, SAS SNDP Yogam College (India)
N., Sridevi, Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology (India)
N., Subani, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)
N., Varshitha D., Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology (India)
N. A., Mohamed, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (Malaysia)
N. Abdul Kader, Sarah, Helwan University (Egypt)

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