Cyclic redundancy check-aided successive cancellation-based polar decoders

Hamizan Suhaimi, Roslina Mohamad, Darmawaty Mohd Ali, Ezmin Abdullah


Research on channel coding for network transmission using polar codes has produced excellent results. By removing error redundancy from the decoding process, cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is frequently used by researchers to increase a system’s performance. In prior research, the application of decoder algorithms for polar codes was examined but not thoroughly compared. For the general capabilities of the previously proposed algorithms to be ascertained, it is crucial to analyze the employment of polar decoders especially successive cancellation (SC)-based polar decoders and the use of CRC in additive white gaussian noise (AWGN). Hence, this paper analyzes the performance of CRC with SC-based polar decoders in AWGN. In the simulation setup, (256,128) polar codes and CRCs with three-bit sizes (6, 8 and 11) were utilized. SC-based polar decoders, such as SC, soft-output cancellation, SC list (SCL) and simplified SC, were applied at the decoder part. The outcomes show that CRC-aided SC-based polar decoders reduced redundancy error. Among all the decoders, the SCL decoder with 11-bits CRC performed well when the normalized signal-to-noise ratio was high. Based on the analysis, removing errors at the highest level is possible using a suitable CRC size for SC-based polar decoders.


Cyclic redundancy check; Polar codes; Simplified successive cancellation; Soft-output cancellation; Successive cancellation; Successive cancellation list

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