Analysis of facial emotion recognition rate for real-time application using NVIDIA Jetson Nano in deep learning models

Usen Dudekula, Purnachand Nalluri


Detecting facial emotion expression is a classic research problem in image processing. Face expression detection can be used to help human users monitor their stress levels. Perceiving an individual's failure to communicate specific looks might help analyze early psychological disorders. several issues like lighting changes, rotations, occlusions, and accessories persist. These are not simply traditional image processing issues, yet additionally, action units that make gathering activity of facial acknowledgment troublesome look information, and order of the demeanor. In this study, we use Xception taking into account Xception and convolution neural network (CNN), which is easy to focus on incredible parts like the face, and visual geometric group (VGG-19) used to extract the facial feature using the OpenCV framework classifying the image into any of the basic facial emotions. NVIDIA Jetson Nano has a high video handling outline rate. Accomplishing preferable precision over the recently evolved models on software. The average accuracies for standard data set CK+,” on NVIDIA Jetson Nano, the accuracy rate is 97.1% in the Xception model in the convolutional neural network, 98.4% in VGG-19, and real-time environment accuracy using OpenCV, accuracy rate is 95.6%.


Deep learning; NVIDIA Jetson Nano; Transfer learning; Visual geometry group; Xception Architecture;

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS)
p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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