Eliminating unwanted signals in sound by using digital signal processing system

Amer T Saeed, Zaid Raad Saber, Ahmed M. Sana, Musa A. Hameed


Unwanted signals or noise signals in sound files are considered one of the major challenges and issues for a thousand users. It is impossible to reduce or remove these noise signals without identifying their types and ranges. Therefore, to address one of the big problems in the digital or analogue communication, which is noise signals or unwanted signals, an adaptive selection method and noise signal removal algorithm are proposed in this research. The proposed algorithm is done through specifying the types of undesirable signals, frequency, and time range, then utilizing digital signal processing system which includes design several types of digital filters based on the types and numbers of unwanted signals. Four digital filters are used in this research to remove noise signals from the sound file by implementing the proposed algorithm using Matlab Code. Results show that our proposed algorithm was done successfully and the whole noise signals were removed without any negative consequence in the output sound signal. Unwanted signals or noise signals in sound files are considered one of the major challenges and issues for a thousand users. It is impossible to reduce or remove these noise signals without identifying their types and ranges. Therefore, to address one of the big problems in the digital or analogue communication, which is noise signals or unwanted signals, an adaptive selection method and noise signal removal algorithm are proposed in this research. The proposed algorithm is done through specifying the types of undesirable signals, frequency, and time range, then utilizing digital signal processing system which includes design several types of digital filters based on the types and numbers of unwanted signals. Four digital filters are used in this research to remove noise signals from the sound file by implementing the proposed algorithm using Matlab Code. Results show that our proposed algorithm was done successfully and the whole noise signals were removed without any negative consequence in the output sound signal.


Adaptive selection; Digital filter; Sound file; Unwanted signal

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.11591/ijeecs.v18.i2.pp829-834


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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS)
p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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