Traffic congestion detection in a city using clustering techniques in VANETs

Anita Mohanty, Sudipta Mahapatra, Urmila Bhanja


Road traffic congestion, a serious illness in developing regions, is one of the biggest problems in our day-to-day life, resulting in delays, wastage of fuel and money. In this paper, a new model is developed using Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) simulator for simulating a realistic traffic scenario for a large city like Bhubaneswar where, traffic congestion is a critical issue. In a city, traffic congestion is characterised by many parameters such as rapid growth of population, number of four wheelers, inadequate and poor road infrastructures and shortage of physical plan to govern the developments, which are focused on enhancing the volume of the roads by raising the number of lanes, over-passes, underpasses and over-bridges at many junctions. However, for the success of these master plans to fully overcome the congestion issues, it is necessary to transmit the congestion information to vehicles coming towards a congestion area by using a Vehicular Ad-hoc Network. This paper analyzes clustering techniques in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks to detect congestion in roads with the minimal infrastructural support. The raw data from vehicles are classified using cluster analysis. Out of a number of algorithms that are used to solve the congestion detection problem, three important algorithms such as Centroid based -means, object based FCM and FKM algorithms are compared in this work on the basis of data points and number of clusters. The results of the algorithms are close to each other, but fuzzy techniques are preferable as the traffic situations are dynamic in nature.


Traffic Congestion, Fuzzy C-means Clustering, Fuzzy K-means Clustering, K-means Clustering, Vehicular AdHoc Network

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS)
p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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