Solar-powered irrigation and monitoring system for okra cultivation

Mohamad Syfiq Soekarno, Roslina Mohamad, Norashikin M. Thamrin, Wan Norsyafizan W. Muhamad


Eco-friendly and cost-effective irrigation systems are essential for sustainable agriculture. Traditional irrigation systems are unsustainable due to the high cost of operation and environmental pollution associated with fossil fuels. A possible solution for farmers is the use of solar-powered irrigation systems. This research aims to develop a solar-powered irrigation and a real-time monitoring system for okra cultivation. The irrigation system was powered by a monocrystalline solar panel and controlled by a Node MicroController Unit ESP8266 microcontroller unit. A 12 V pneumatic diaphragm water pump was utilized to irrigate the okra plants efficiently. The real-time monitoring system using Blynk allowed for the remote monitoring of the system's performance. The irrigation system was deployed on an okra farm, and the results showed that the system could sustain the soil moisture level for the okra plants, with an average soil moisture sensor reading of over 80%. The system delivered power effectively, with an average voltage measurement exceeding 12 V, average current readings above 180 mA, and average power readings exceeding 2 W. These results demonstrate that the solar-powered irrigation system is a viable and sustainable solution for farmers, researchers, and engineers to enhance the performance of conventional irrigation systems.


Irrigation system; Monitoring system; Okra cultivation; Real-time monitoring; Solar power

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS)
p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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