Credit card fraud detection with advanced graph based machine learning techniques

Krishna Kumari Renganathan, Janaki Karuppiah, Mahimairaj Pathinathan, Sudharani Raghuraman


In the realm of credit card fraud detection, the landscape is continually evolving, demanding innovative approaches to stay ahead of increasingly sophisticated fraudulent activities. Our research pioneers a groundbreaking methodology that amalgamates the power of bipartite graph visualization with advanced machine learning techniques. This fusion yields a comprehensive framework capable of effectively evaluating the efficacy of a random forest classifier in uncovering fraudulent credit card transactions. Our study showcases the compelling application of this methodology, offering a paradigm shift in how we analyze and understand credit card fraud detection systems. By seamlessly integrating machine learning algorithms with network analysis, we provide a holistic view of the data, unveiling intricate patterns hidden within. At the heart of our approach lies the innovative use of bipartite graphs, which serve as a dynamic visual bridge between model predictions and real-world outcomes. This visual representation not only enhances interpretability but also facilitates a deeper understanding of the classifier’s performance. By visually mapping the relationships between transactions and their respective classifications, our methodology offers actionable insights into both successful detection and potential areas for improvement. Empowering analysts and stakeholders, our approach facilitates informed decision-making by enabling them to fine-tune model parameters and enhance the overall effectiveness of fraud detection systems. Through this synergy between cutting-edge machine learning and network analysis techniques, we provide a powerful tool to combat the critical challenge of credit card fraud prevention. Step into the future of fraud detection with our innovative methodology, where every transaction is scrutinized with precision, and where security is not just a possibility, but a promise fulfilled.


Bipartite graphs; Machine learning; Random forest classifier

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The Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS)
p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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