A Small-sized High-performance Storage Module for High-g Measurement

Chu Chengqun, Ren Yongfeng, Zhang Qingzhi, Zheng Yongqiu, Liu Xin


The storage capacity, speed and the dimension of the storage device is restricted in the impact test environment. In order to meet high speed data transmission, data logging high reliability requirements in high-g environment measurement, the paper presents the design of a miniature high-performance memory module.The module using a high-speed serial transceiver as the input interface, and through the FPGA to achieve real-time processing the high-speed data store into the large capacity memory chip. The dimension of the circuit module is merely 33mm×33mm but the storage rate can be up to 60Mbyte/s, and the capacity is 8Gbyte. Ensuring continuous and reliable operation requires a dedicated buffer for the data transmission. The paper proposes a multilevel high-speed buffer structure based on the field programmable gate array technology for speeding up data access. Then, the paper presents a protection shell for the circuit module, which introduces a steel shell filled with two-component epoxy resin for the protection in the high-g harsh environment.  At the test of projectile penetrate the concrete; the impact acceleration peak is up to 1.42×105g. But the data storage module is stable and the inner circuit is well work under the impact, which validates the anti-impact protective structure designed by the method has the higher reliability.


DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/telkomnika.v12i2.3785


High-g measurement;storage module; NAND flash;high-speed buffer; protection shell

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS)
p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760
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