Hybrid approach for multi-objective optimization path planning with moving target

Baraa M. Abed, Wesam M. Jasim


Path planning algorithms are the most significant area in the robotics field. Path planning (PP) can be defined as the process of determining the most appropriate navigation path before a mobile robot moves. Path planning optimization refers to finding the optimal or near-optimal path. Multi-objective optimization (MOO) is concerned with finding the best solution values that satisfy multiple objectives, such as shortness, smoothness, and safety. MOO present the challenge of making decisions while balancing these contradictory issues through compromise (tradeoff). As a result, there is no single solution appropriate for all purposes in MOO, but rather a range of solutions. Several objectives are considered as part of this study, including path security, length, and smoothness, when planning paths for autonomous mobile robots in a dynamic environment with a moving target. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms are combined with bat algorithms (BA) to make a balance between exploration and exploitation. PSO algorithms used to optimize two important parameters of the bat algorithm. The proposed solution is tested through several simulations based on varying scenarios. The results demonstrate that mobile robots can travel clearly and safely along short paths and smoothly, proving this method's efficiency.


Bat algorithm; Dynamic environment; Hybrid approach; Moving target; Multi objective optimization; Particle swarm optimization algorithm; Path planning

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.11591/ijeecs.v29.i1.pp348-357


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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS)
p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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