Reduction cost and energy consumption for LED smart lighting street technology in Iraq

Jabbar K. Mohammed


The idea of replacing the old lighting system with energy-efficient ones has been given excessive attention, particularly in the territorial and Arabic world. This move is significant for its helpful effects on both the economy and the environment, especially in Iraq which smarts from light-related problems. It correspondingly aids the light distribution offices as it will save them from several light generation troubles and their effects on the hours of electrical power supply. The light consumers will also benefit from reduced bills due to approximately 50% reduction in power consumption by the energy-efficient system. The energy-efficient lighting system has replaced the traditional technical lighting owing to its energy saving capability and environmental friendliness. These problems would enhance the use of efficient energy programmer to reduce energy consumption as the world switches to the use of renewable energy. This study presents the use of modernized lighting system with an emphasis on its economic and environmental benefits. The results are applied by MATLAB version17b prototypical is built to evaluate the behavior of smart lighting street technology and renewable energy to reduce cost and energy consumption. During the study, 100 modernized LED electric lamps of 150W capacity were used to replace 100 high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps of 400W. The economic cost of the replacement was calculated based on the price of the LED lamps compared to those of the HPS lamps. The environmental impact was determined by calculating the global cost of the electrical energy consumed by the LED lamps compared to those consumed by the HPS lamps in Iraq.


Energy efficiency; Led lamps; Smart lighting; Total ownership cost (TOC); Renewable energy

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS)
p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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